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NCTS 5 new version of the computerized transit system

Home → NCTS 5 new version of the computerized transit system

NCTS is, in a nutshell, a computerized system that allows the submission of common transit declarations. NCTS, or New Computer Transit System, is present throughout the European Union, and is based primarily on customs declarations made electronically. Its main objectives were to increase efficiency and effectiveness during transit procedures. The system also prevents possible fraud, and secures goods that are in transit. All member countries are required to switch to version 5 of NCTS by the end of November 2023. The latest version of NCTS 5 introduces a number of changes that European Union member states should comply with.

The most important benefits of introducing NCTS 5

Thus, new features have been added to NCTS 5, which are designed to make using it even more convenient for the user. Thus, new solutions and functions such as:

  • The ability to change previously submitted declarations. So we don’t have to, as was the case with the older version, cancel and start entering data again;
  • Digital transit accompanying document. Before the changes, we had to have the transit accompanying documents only in paper form. Now a convenience has been introduced. With NCTS 5 you can present it from your smartphone or other mobile device;
  • New role for the Customs Incident Authority. The new role includes the fact that when an incident occurs, we can notify the relevant authorities – make a report of the problem in real time. Previously, we had to wait for the Office of Destination to show up. With this solution, we can save time in which goods can reach their destination.

How to use NCTS?

To use NCTS, traders should have the ability to connect, including sending and receiving messages with the UK NCTS. In this way, traders can receive notifications about next steps and decisions regarding:

  • acceptance of the declaration
  • release of goods
  • release of liability, i.e., a guarantee in force during the entire period of movement to cover fees at risk during this procedure.

NCTS itself stores two types of reference data. Thus, we distinguish here: common reference data and national reference data.

Common reference data is stored in a system called Common Service Reference Data, or CS/RD2 for short. It is applied locally to national systems. The data relates to guarantees, and permits held by hauliers. The information is presented in code lists, which are used for validation in declarations, and in the exchange of messages in NCTS.

National reference data is managed by the national administration. Address data, the name of the trader, his EORI number, information on the guarantees held for the use of the transit procedure, and, in the case of authorized consignors and consignees, their code numbers are entered here

If you have any questions about the registration and operation on the NCTS system, OTSBroker can provide advice and support.