Home → Animal-by products exporting
If you want to export or move animal by-products (ABPs) such as bones and protein, there are some steps you need to follow. In most cases, you will need an Export Health Certificate (EHC) or Model Declaration Form. However, there are some types of ABP that cannot be exported and situations where a certificate is not required.
The certifier invoices the government for these costs; therefore, companies do not have to pay for certification out of pocket as part of the Movement Assistance Scheme.
ABP that has not been treated or processed cannot be exported from GB to the EU, NI, or any other non-EU countries. Similarly, you also cannot export SRM, ABP destined for incineration or landfill category 1 and 2 animal by-products (except for a very limited number of items) to non-EU countries.
An EHC or model declaration is needed to:
Here’s what you need to do:
To exporting or moving animal by-products, you must first check the export health certificate (EHC) finder in order to obtain either:
If you locate an EHC, follow the process described in the EHC document. However, if you cannot find an EHC, then you need to get into contact with the competent authority located in NI or another EU country that you plan on exporting to. Once contacting them, inquire about what paperwork needs to be filled out and which rules need compliance.
In order to ensure smooth trade for your product, you must find a Border Control Point that accepts Advanced Binding Preclearance. You’ll need to be prepared to redirect your trade route if needed – there are more than 400 BCPs in the EU, which can be found at various ports and airports throughout the continent.
Consult the BCP or point of entry you plan to use to find out how much notice is needed. Make sure your import agent contacts the BCP through TRACES within the set time limit to notify them of the consignment’s arrival.